Tuesday, January 4, 2011

The Middle School Classroom: Rx for Success now being used at Universities; eBook selling!

Two years have passed since I released this little handbook out into the world. Since then, I have entered the wonderful realm of motherhood, which would explain the time lapse since my last blog entry.

I just received an order a few days ago from a university professor for use in class (who teaches @ my alma mater!) Needless to say, I was very excited!

A few emails later, I read that GoogleBooks and Amazon have both sold copies of the eBook and were requesting my preferred method of payment. Honestly, I still get giggly and ecstatic when I get an order to ship a single book, so I was most definitely looking like the cat who swallowed the canary at this point.

This motivated me to do a spur of the moment Google search for my book, which I do from time to time just out of curiosity. TARGET, one of my favorite stores is carrying the book, and it's IN STOCK! This was very cool!!

Everyday I think how blessed I am that I even was able to experience the process of writing and publishing my own book. These events that have followed truly are the icing on my cake.

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