Saturday, August 23, 2008

What not to do the first week of school...

The past two weeks have reminded me that no matter how long I teach, I will always have more to learn. I take some comfort in that. In fact, one of my life's mantras is, "Things are getting better all the time." And as long as we are learning and growing, well then, I suppose that is a true statement.

Here a few lessons I've gleaned the past couple of weeks. What not to do the first week of school:

1. Do not get too worked up if you have more students than desks. This is an inevitable part of the first of year shuffle, and it always gets resolved within a couple of days.

2. Do not forget how to say the word "no" when asked to join seven new committees or to sponsor another extracurricular activity.

3. Do not worry if your room is not perfectly decorated on day one. Your room can be a work in progress. Students will learn despite your lack of decor.

4. Do not fail to listen to the little voice in your head that tells you to stay an extra hour after school to make sure your mobile labs are functioning properly before the children use them.

5. Do not forget to update your sub folder from last year. While you're at it, just for laughs, take a look at the "Helpful Students" you highlighted at the beginning of last year. What were you thinking?

6. Do not hesitate to consult with your guidance counselor. Separate problem students who should not be in the same class together right away.

7. Do not be too lax with your students, no matter how nice they seem.

8. Do not forget your new students need to be trained. They are not mind readers, but they want to please you. Be very clear of what you expect.

9. Do not fail to have a life outside of school. When we are happy and healthy, we are better teachers. If you don't treat yourself well, you won't be good for anyone else.

10. Do not hide in your room. Build relationships with your colleagues. You will want and need their support year-round.

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