Saturday, March 21, 2009

BayWest Update - March 2009

The past few months have been extremely eventful, in my personal life, as well as in the life of my little company.

Early October 2008, I was promoted to Academic Coach at my school, providing the perfect opportunity to share my vision and hard work with my colleagues. That same week, my husband and I learned we were expecting our first child. We are both in our mid-thirties, and have wanted children for some time now, so this is truly a blessing!

Mid January 2009, we learned our new addition was a girl, then just days later, I lost my dad and best friend. He was 72.

Many BayWest milestones have occurred during this bittersweet period. Pregnancy, grieving, and adjusting to a new job certainly took their toll; I have had neither the time nor energy to update this blog, but I am ready to share with you now.

The Middle School Classroom: Rx for Success received a glowing review from The Library Journal in December 2008, which served as a catalyst for almost more library orders than we can keep up with. That's a good problem to have!

Concurrently, Joseph-Beth and Davis-Kidd Booksellers have agreed to carry the book. In addition, the book has been/is being reviewed by numerous principals, teachers, publications, and professional associations, including the president of the National Association of Secondary Schools.

I see more and more potential for the book everyday, when I see the impact it has had on readers' confidence. I will close in saying I have experienced no greater blessing in this life than knowing something I created has the ability to positively impact the lives of others.

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